admissions@gsw.edu 877-871-4594
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RAIN is the Registration and Academic Information Network that provides a convenient method for students to obtain information via the Internet. 

Students can use this system to view information such as holds on their account, semester grade reports, unofficial academic transcripts, account summary and fee assessments, financial aid status, registration status, and current schedule.

Accessing RAIN

You can or via myGSW at the top banner of the website. Use your Canesnet Credentials to login and then click on the RAIN icon. This will take you into the main menu. On the main menu, you will see three options:

  • Personal Info, where you can view your personal information, Student Profile, register for classes, view grades and view your Degree Works
  • Student Accounts where you can access current balances and payment documentation
  • Financial Aid, where you can view your financial aid information

Department Contact

Office of the Registrar

Sanford Hall


Monday – Friday: 8:00am – 5:00pm

Staff & Contacts

Forget Your GSW ID?

Use the to find your 913 ID Number.