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Freshman Student

Students who are completing their high school education or have recently received their diploma and have not taken college or university courses after high school are considered freshmen.

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How to Apply


Submit Your Application

online. You will be prompted to create a GAfutures account if you do not already have one.


Request Your Official Transcripts

Request transcripts through or from your counseling office to be sent to Georgia Southwestern. We accept mailed or e-transcripts, such as Parchment, eScrip-Safe, or  that come directly from the high school. You may bring transcripts to campus in person, as long as they remain in the original, sealed envelope from the school. 


Optional - Send Official Copies of Your SAT or ACT Scores

Optional - Please send official copies of your SAT or ACT scores using SAT Code: 5250 or ACT code: 0824.


Check Your Status

You can review what information is needed and what documents have been received by checking your status online.


Check Your Email

We will send a variety of emails to notify you of your acceptance and allow accepted students the opportunity to register early for housing, Storm Registration Days, and other exclusive opportunities.


Visit Georgia Southwestern

If you haven't already taken a tour of our beautiful campus, schedule a visit today! Our admissions specialists are happy to welcome you into the hurricane family.

Scholarship Eligible Requirements
Regular Freshman Requirements
University College Requirements

Georgia Southwestern offers all regular, incoming freshmen the Promise Scholarship, a guaranteed scholarship to students who meet the criteria outlined below. This scholarship is automatically awarded to students meeting academic requirements upon completing the . Qualified freshmen are also encouraged to consider applying for the President Carter Leadership Program before the February 1st deadline when completing the GSW Scholarship Application.

*You must set up your GSW Student Email Account in order to submit a Scholarship Application.*

Southwestern Promise - Blue Level
Southwestern Promise - Gold Level
$1,000 Academic Scholarship $1,000 Academic Scholarship
$2,000 On-campus Housing Scholarship*
1050 SAT or 
20 ACT Composite
3.0 GPA
OR No Test Scores with 3.6 GPA
Minimum 1200 SAT or 
25 ACT Composite
3.0 GPA

Priority for Southwestern Promise will be given to students completing the application by February 1. Students must begin as Regular Beginning Freshmen during the Summer or Fall semesters to be eligible. All students may renew the scholarship for up to 4 years by maintaining a 3.0 GPA and remaining enrolled full-time.

*To receive an on-campus housing scholarship, the student must reside in university-owned housing.* 

Test Score Requirements:

With Test Scores Without Test Scores
Preferred SAT of ACT test scores -
2.0 Required High School Curriculum GPA 3.0 Required High School Curriculum GPA
1940 Freshman Index (see formula below) -

*Students below these requirements may be eligible for admission through programs such as University College.*
*See below for preferred SAT/ACT test scores and explanation of required high school curriculum GPA and Freshman Index*

Preferred SAT & ACT Test Scores:

SAT (GSW Code: 5250) ACT (GSW Code: 0824)
Evidence-Based Reading and Writing: 480 English or Reading: 17
Math: 440 Math: 17

Required High School Curriculum GPA

  • Satisfactory High School GPA - Southwestern's average GPA for the freshmen class is 3.26 but the minimum required GPA for Regular Freshman Admission will fluctuate based on your SAT or ACT scores. See below for the Freshman Index calculation.
  • Your High School GPA is calculated by the Office of Admissions using the 17 Required High School Curriculum courses listed below. Additional information can be found using the USG's guide. Your GPA will be calculated using the scores listed on your official high school transcript. Georgia Southwestern does not add or remove weight for advanced courses.

Understanding the Required High School Curriculum -

  • ENGLISH: Four units of English which have as their emphasis grammar and usage, literature (American, English, World), and advanced composition skills.
  • MATHEMATICS: Four units of Mathematics, including Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, and a fourth year of advanced Mathematics. Georgia Southwestern does not accept Mathematics of Finance.
  • SCIENCE: Four units of science where two courses include a laboratory component. Georgia public high school graduates must have at least one unit of Biology, one unit of Physical Science or Physics, one unit of Chemistry, Earth Systems, Environmental Science, or an advanced placement science course, and a fourth science.
  • SOCIAL SCIENCE: Three units of social science, with at least one course focusing on United States studies and one course focusing on world studies.
  • FOREIGN LANGUAGE: Two units in the same foreign language emphasizing speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Two units of American Sign Language or two units of computer science courses that have a coding and programming emphasis may be used to satisfy this requirement.

Required Freshman Index

Regular Freshman Admission requires a minimum Freshman Index of 1940.

Freshman Index Formula:

  • SAT: Freshman Index = (500 x Required High School Curriculum GPA) + (1.06 x (SAT EBRW + SAT Math) - 74).
  • ACT: Freshman Index = (500 x Required High School Curriculum GPA) + (ACT Composite x 42) + 88.

GSW's University College is a special, limited program that includes additional, required opportunities for academic support, peer mentorship, and college success programming. This unique, on-campus program provides students with the tools necessary to earn a future to be proud of. Students seeking admission to GSW's University College should apply for admission and send their official high school transcript to Admissions.

Required High School GPA

  • University College Admission requires a 2.0 GPA.
  • Your High School GPA is calculated by the Office of Admissions using the completed 17 Required High School Curriculum courses listed on the USG's guide. Students who are deficient in the courses may still be considered for admission.

Required Freshman Index

  • No minimum Freshman Index is required.

Additional Freshman Information

Past Dual Enrollment Students

Students who have participated in Dual Enrollment while in high school must still follow the Freshman Admissions process which includes submitting an official high school transcript and (optional) SAT/ACT scores. These students are also able to apply for Beginning Freshmen Scholarships and live in the Freshmen Residence Hall.

Dual Enrollment Students are also required to send transcripts from all colleges attended before beginning courses at Georgia Southwestern, even if the college courses are listed on the high school transcript. College credit cannot be awarded from high school transcripts. Failure to submit these transcripts could result in delays in financial aid or registering for classes. It could also result in the retaking of a completed course or completing an extra course not needed for your degree.

Students completing dual enrollment with GSW may move their previous dual enrollment application to a Beginning Freshman by completing .

Students completing dual enrollment at other institutions may the tool to see what courses should transfer from their current institution.

Advanced Placement (AP) Courses

Students who take Advanced Placement (AP) courses and complete the accompanying AP exams are awarded credit based on the score and course equivalent determined by the appropriate GSW academic department. Freshman applicants should request an official score report from The College Board be sent to our Office of the Registrar. See how your credits will transfer.

International Baccalaureate Program

GSW awards credit for scores of 5, 6, or 7 on the Higher Level examinations of the International Baccalaureate Program (IB) depending on the course. Freshman applicants should request an official score report from the IB Office be sent to our Office of the Registrar. See how your credits will transfer.

Homeschool Students

Students from accredited homeschool programs should follow and must meet regular freshman admission criteria.

Students from non-accredited homeschool programs (or non-accredited high schools) must complete the requirements outlined in the Admissions Application Procedures For Home Educated Applicants.

Accredited Homeschool Programs

Graduates from homeschool programs accredited by the following agencies should follow regular freshman admission requirements:

  • A regional accrediting association such as the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools(SACS).
  • The Georgia Accrediting Commission.
  • The Georgia Private School Accrediting Council (including the groups who have membership in GAPSAC).
    • Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).
    • Association of Christian Teachers and Schools (ACTS).
    • Georgia Association of Christian Schools (GACS).
    • Accrediting Association of Seventh-day Adventist Schools (SDA).
    • International Christian Accrediting Association (ICAA).
    • Christian Schools International (CSI).
    • Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS).

Continue Your Application Form

Students transferring from Dual Enrollment to Freshman student status at GSW should complete this application.

Check Your Status Online

Remember to check your status online to see when items have been received and what items are still required.

GSW Student ID Lookup

Once accepted, students can use the Student ID Lookup to find their ID number to activate their Radar Student Email.

Once Accepted

Make sure to complete the following items before you can begin registering for classes:

  • Submit your $45 acceptance deposit to reserve your place in our upcoming class.
  • Submit your  to Financial Aid.
  • Complete the scholarship application before the February 1st deadline.
  • Sign up to attend Storm Registration Day.
  • Student email accounts are created automatically the morning after you have been accepted to Georgia Southwestern. Students will receive a CanesNet account, which is a set of credentials used to authenticate a variety of IT systems across campus.
  • Submit your Application for Student Housing. Accepted students receive the link to the application by email beginning November 1st of each year.
  • Submit your immunization record to the GSW Health Center.
  • Read and submit the Financial Agreement Authorization.
  • Submit proof of Lawful Presence if you plan to receive in-state tuition. Online-only students and students paying out-of-state tuition are not required to submit this documentation.
  • Request for your high school to send your final transcript after graduation, your official college transcripts for Dual Enrollment credit, and Advanced Credit Course scores to be sent to Georgia Southwestern.

Title IX

As required by Title IX, Çï¿ûÊÓƵ does not discriminate on the basis of sex in any of its education programs or activities, including in admissions and employment. Inquiries concerning application of Title IX can be directed to GSW's Title IX Coordinator or to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights. Please visit Çï¿ûÊÓƵ’s Title IX webpage for more information.

Stay Updated

Remember to check your status online to see when the above information is completed. If you have any questions about GSW or need help with any of the above information, please contact the Office of Admissions.

The people at GSW make it special. Our campus is small enough that you can get to know your teachers and classmates and create relationships that you would not have at a much larger school. Everyone here is rooting for you and wants to see you succeed.

Carly Hall, '21 Accounting, Master of Business Administration
Albany, Georgia